2.1. Layout Parsing

The design of layout parsing in Fmlib is based on the work of Adams and Ağacan [AAugacan14] with the following modifications:

  • Tokens can by default appear to the right of the leftmost token of a construct. This modification makes the default handling more practical but does not change the semantics.

  • The transition relation to describe the formal semantics has been extended to make parsing expressions not backtracking by default. A backtracking expression has to be annotated explicitly.

2.1.1. Parsing Expression Grammar

A parsing expression is either empty, a terminal, a nonterminal, a sequence of two expressions or a biased choice i.e. an expression is defined by the grammar

\[\begin{split}e & ::= & \epsilon & \text{ empty} \\ & \mid & a & \text{ terminal} \\ & \mid & A & \text{ nonterminal} \\ & \mid & e e & \text{ sequence} \\ & \mid & e / e\quad & \text{ biased choice} \\ & \mid & \overleftarrow e & \text{ backtrack}\end{split}\]

A parsing expression grammar is a four tuple \((T, N, S, \delta)\) which consists of a set of terminals (aka tokens), a set of nonterminals, the start symbol which is a special nonterminal and a function mapping each nonterminal to an expression.

The function \(\delta\) can be extended to expressions such that

\[\begin{split}\delta(Ae) &:= \delta(A)e \\ \delta(e_1\, /\, e_2) &:= \delta(e_1)\, / \, e_2 \\ \delta(ae) &:= ae \\ \delta(\epsilon) &:= \epsilon\end{split}\]

where \(A\) is the nonterminal at the start of an expression. I.e. if an expression does not start with a nonterminal, then the function \(\delta\) does not change the expression.

Restriction: Left recursion is forbidden. I.e. for all expressions \(e\) there has to be a natural number \(n\) such that \(\delta^n(e)\) either is the empty expression or starts with a terminal (or is a biased choice where the first alternative is either empty or starts with a terminal).

\[\begin{split}\delta^n(e) = \cases { \epsilon \\ a e_1 \\ \epsilon\; / \ldots \\ (a e_1)\; / \ldots }\end{split}\]

In order to specify a certain layout we introduce the following additional expressions.

\[\begin{split}e & ::= & & \\ & \ldots \\ & \mid & e^n\quad & e \text{ indented by $n$ columns} \\ & \mid & |e| & \text{vertically aligned at first token} \\ & \mid & e^\circledast & \text{detached}\end{split}\]

where \(e^n\) describes the same structure as \(e\) but indented by \(n\) columns relative to its parent, \(|e|\) describes the same structure as \(e\) but using its first token for vertical alignment and \(e^\circledast\) describes the structure \(e\) detached from any indentation and alignment requirements.

2.1.2. Formal Semantics Indentation of a Sequence of Tokens

An input stream \(u\) consists of a finite sequence of tokens appearing at a certain column. We notate the token \(a\) appearing at column \(i\) as \(a_i\). Therefore we have

\[u = a_i\; b_j\; c_k\; \ldots\; z_l\]

as a valid input stream.

  • The indentation of a token is the column at which the token appears in the input stream.

  • The indentation of a nonempty subsequence of the input stream is the column of its leftmost token.

  • In an aligned nonempty subsequence of the input stream the leftmost token must be the first token. Transition Relation

A parsing expression \(p\) is executed within a state. The state consists of the not yet consumed part of the input stream, an indentation set and an alignment flag. The execution either succeeds (notated by \(\top w\)) by consuming a part of the input stream \(w\) or fails after consuming a part of the input stream (notated by \(\perp w\)). In the success case we can have a modified indentation set and a modified alignment flag. Therefore the right hand side of the success case is annotated as \(\top^g_J w\).

\[\begin{split}(p, wu, I, f) & \Rightarrow &\top^g_J w \\ (p, wu, I, f) & \Rightarrow &\perp w\end{split}\]

In all transitions we maintain the invariant that the indentation set on the right side of the transition is a subset of the indentation set on the left side of the transition.

An indentation set is the set of allowed indentations for the parsing expression.

Indentation sets are sets of natural numbers which can be described by pairs \([a,b]\) where \(a\) is the lower bound and \(b\) is the upper bound. The upper bound can be infinity \(\infty\). A valid indentation set is never empty, i.e. we have \(a \le b\).

If the indentation set if \([j, k]\) where \(k \ne \infty\) then \(k\) is the column of the (up to now) encountered leftmost token. If the uppper bound is infinite, then no token has yet been encountered in the construct.

The indentation set of the start expression is \([0,\infty]\).

A parsing expression grammar successfully parses an input stream \(u\), if and only if

\[(A, u, [0, \infty], -)\; \Rightarrow\; \top^f_{[j,k]} u\]

where \(A\) is the start symbol of the grammar. The indentation of \(u\) is \(k\). Empty Expression

The empty parsing expression \(\epsilon\) always succeeds by not consuming any token an does not change the state.

\[(\epsilon, u, I, f) \Rightarrow \top^f_I \epsilon\] Terminal

Let us first consider the case that the aligment flag is not set. Then the parsing expression \(a\) succeeds if it encounters the token \(a_i\) at an allowed position \(i\). If \([j,k]\) is the indentation set then \(j \le i\) has to be satisfied for an allowed position. If the next token on the input stream is not the expected token or it is offside, then the expression fails.

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{c} j \le i \land a = b \\ \hline (a, b_i u, [j,k], -) \Rightarrow \top^{-}_{[j, \text{min } i\, k]} a \end{array} \quad \begin{array}{c} i < j \lor a \ne b \\ \hline (a, b_i u, [j,k], -) \Rightarrow \perp \epsilon \end{array}\end{split}\]

The input indentation set \([j,k]\) means that up to now the leftmost token has been encountered at column \(k\) (or no token has been encountered in the surrounding construct and \(k = \infty\)) and the minimal allowed column is \(j\). The token \(a\) might be the new leftmost token. Therefore on success the upper bound of the indentation set might have to be updated.

Now we consider the case that the alignment flag is set. This means that we are trying to align a construct and have not yet encountered its first token. Because we are trying to align a construct within some indentation set and the next token is the first and leftmost token of the construct, the next token must be within this indentation set.

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{c} i \in I \land a = b \\ \hline (a, b_i u, I, +) \Rightarrow \top^{-}_{[i,i]} a \end{array} \quad \begin{array}{c} i \notin I \lor a \ne b \\ \hline (a, b_i u, I, +) \Rightarrow \perp \epsilon \end{array}\end{split}\]

In the success case the token is consumed, the indentation set consists only of the column of the token and the aligment flag is reset. In case of failure nothing is consumed. Nonterminal

If a parsing expression starts with a nonterminal, then the nonterminal has to be mapped to its parsing expression by using the function \(\delta\).

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcl} (\delta(A)e, u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & o \\ \hline (Ae, u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & o \end{array}\end{split}\]

Remember that left recursion is not allowed in a parsing expression grammar. Therefore finally some terminal will appear as the first subexpression (or whole expression becomes the empty expression). Sequence

For the sequence of two parsing expressions \(p_1 p_2\) we have to distinguish three cases:

  • The first expression fails. This implies that the whole expression fails.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p_1, w_1 w_2 u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \perp w_1 \\ \hline (p_1 p_2, w_1 w_2 u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \perp w_1 \end{array}\end{split}\]
  • The first expression succeeds, but the second fails. This implies that the whole expression fails as well.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p_1, w_1 w_2 u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \top^g_J w_1 \\ (p_2, w_2 u, J, g) & \Rightarrow & \perp w_2 \\ \hline (p_1 p_2, w_1 w_2 u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \perp (w_1 w_2) \end{array}\end{split}\]
  • Both expressions succeed. In that case the whole expression succeeds. The second expression uses the output state of the first as the input state. The final state of the whole expression is the final state of the second expression.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p_1, w_1 w_2 u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \top^g_J w_1 \\ (p_2, w_2 u, J, g) & \Rightarrow & \top^h_K w_2 \\ \hline (p_1 p_2, w_1 w_2 u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \top^h_K (w_1 w_2) \end{array}\end{split}\] Biased Choice

For the biased choice \(p_1\, /\, p_2\) we have to distinguish some cases:

  • The first expression succeeds. In that case the whole expression succeeds with the same output.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p_1, w u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \top^g_J w \\ \hline (p_1\, /\, p_2, w u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \top^g_J w \end{array}\end{split}\]
  • The first expression fails by consuming some tokens. In that case the whole expression fails with the same result.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p_1, w u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \perp w \\ w \ne \epsilon \\ \hline (p_1\, /\, p_2, w u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \perp w \end{array}\end{split}\]
  • The first expression fails by not consuming any token. In that case the result of the whole expression is the result of the second expression.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p_1, u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \perp \epsilon \\ (p_2, u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & o \\ \hline (p_1\, /\, p_2, u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & o \end{array}\end{split}\] Backtrack

The backtracking operator has no effect in the case of success. A failure with consuming tokens is converted to a failure without consuming tokens.

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p, u w, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \top^g_J w \\ \hline (\overleftarrow p, u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \top^g_J w \end{array} \quad \begin{array}{lcl} (p, u w, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \perp u \\ \hline (\overleftarrow p, u, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \perp \epsilon \end{array}\end{split}\] Alignment

The expression \(|p|\) describes an input sequence according to \(p\) where the first token is the leftmost token in the sequence and the sequence is vertically aligned according to the first token.

Clearly alignment only makes sense if there are at least two vertically aligned expressions. The expression \(|p|\, |q|\) aligns the input sequences for botch expressions vertically by using the first token of each sequence for the alignment.

A sequence of aligned expressions have to be decoupled from the surrounding part of the input stream by indentation. The expression

\[(|p|\, |q|\, \ldots)^n\]

aligns the input streams described by \(p\), \(q\), … vertically and indents the whole block by \(n\) columns relative to the surrounding input stream (note: the indentation can be zero). The decoupling by indentation guarantees that the effect of the alignment is only local to the vertically aligned blocks.

The transition of an aligned block is described by

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcl} (p, wu, I, +) &\Rightarrow& o \\ \hline (|p|, wu, I, f) &\Rightarrow& o\quad \text{adapt flag} \end{array}\end{split}\]

It might be necessary to adapt the alignment flag in the output state to cover the corner case \(p = \epsilon\). If the parsed sequence is not empty then it has a last token. Since each token clears the alignment flag, the initial alignment flag is cleared at the end. This is not the case for an empty sequence.

Adaption: If the alignment flag is cleared at the end, no adaption is necessary. If the alignment flag is not cleared at the end (only possible for an empty sequence of tokens) then the alignment flag is set to its initial value \(f\). This makes sure that an empty aligned sequence has no effect. Indentation

Indentation has no effect if the alignment flag is set.

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p, wu, I, +) & \Rightarrow & o \\ \hline (p^n, wu, I, +) & \Rightarrow & o \end{array}\end{split}\]

If the alignment flag is not set, then the transition is described by the rules

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p, wu, [i+n, \infty], -) & \Rightarrow & \top^f_{[k,l]} w \\ \hline (p^n, wu, [i,j], -) & \Rightarrow & \top^f_{[i, \text{ min } j\, (l-n)]} w \end{array} \quad \begin{array}{lcl} (p, wu, I^n, -) & \Rightarrow & \perp w \\ \hline (p^n, wu, I, -) & \Rightarrow & \perp w \end{array}\end{split}\]

where \(i + n \le k \le l\) and therefore \(i \le l - n\) is guaranteed because of the invariant. Detachment

If a parsing expression has some output in a completely unrestricted environment, then the corresponding detached expression has the same output in any environment except that the initial indentation and alignment state is preserved. I.e. a detached expression runs independently from the indentation and aligment requirements.

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lcl} (p, wu, [0, \infty], -) &\Rightarrow & \top^g_J w \\ \hline (p^\circledast, wu, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \top^f_I w \end{array} \quad \begin{array}{lcl} (p, wu, [0, \infty], -) &\Rightarrow & \perp w \\ \hline (p^\circledast, wu, I, f) & \Rightarrow & \perp w \end{array}\end{split}\]

2.1.3. Implementation

In order to implement layout parsing with combinators we need an indentation set and an aligment flag in the state.

module Indent = struct
    type t = {
        lb:  int;           (* lower bound *)
        ub:  int option;    (* upper bound or infinity *)
        abs: bool;          (* aligment flag *)

    let initial: t =
        {lb = 0; ub = None; align = false}

For each token arriving at a certain column i we can check, if the token is allowed at that column.

let check_column (i: int) (ind: t): bool =
    ind.lb <= i
        match ub with
        | Some ub when ind.abs ->
            i <= ub
        | _ ->

This function only checks the correct indentation. After this check it has to be verified as usual if the token is the expected one.

If the token is in an allowed column and is an expected token, then the token can be consumed.

let consume (i: int) (ind: t): t =
    assert (check_column i ind);
    if not ind.abs then
        (* The token might be the new leftmost token. *)
        match ind.ub with
        | Some ub when ub <= i ->
        | _ ->
            {ind with ub = Some i}
        (* First token in an aligned structure *)
            lb  = i;
            ub  = Some i;
            abs = false;

Remember: An upper bound, if present, marks the column of the leftmost token up to now. The consumed token might be the new leftmost token. If this is the case, the structure has to be updated.

The function align sets the alignment flag and the function end_align handles the corner case of an empty aligned structure.

let align (ind: t): t =
    {ind with abs = true)

let end_align (ind0: t) (ind: t): t =
    (* [ind0] is the indentation state at the start *)
    if not ind.abs then
        (* flag is cleared, the aligned sequence is not empty. *)
        (* the aligned sequence is empty and therefore must not have any
           effect *)
        {ind with abs = ind0.abs}

In order to handle indentation properly we need functions to start and end an indented block.

let start_indent (i: int) (ind: t): t =
    assert (0 <= i);
    if ind.abs then
        (* No effect on aligned structures which have not yet received
           a first token. *)
        match ind.ub with
        | None ->
            (* It does not make sense to indent relative to something
               which does not yet have any token. *)
        | Some ub ->
                lb  = ub + i;
                ub  = None;
                abs = false;

let end_indent (ind0: t) (ind: t): t =
    if ind0.abs || ind0.ub = None then